CBDistillery CBD Softgels 30ct



Convenient, consistently measured cannabinoids. That’s the short version of what you’re getting with our 30mg Full Spectrum CBD Softgels. Our expert botanists have carefully formulated these softgels to feature a full spectrum blend including cannabinoids, natural terpenes and other hemp compounds. When the extracted elements of U.S.-grown industrial hemp work in synergy to interact with your body’s Endocannabinoid System, their wellness potential is enhanced in a process known as the Entourage Effect. With their easily packable bottle and consistently measured servings, our 30mg CBD softgels are the perfect fit for your on-the-go lifestyle. The package of 30-count capsules ensures you can enjoy relaxation, quality sleep, relief from temporary anxiety and many more of the benefits of cannabinoid remedies and take charge of your health and wellbeing.

Relief & Relax

This full spectrum CBD extract contains naturally occurring, active hemp-derived cannabinoids including cannabidiol, omega oils, plant terpenes and less than 0.3% THC by weight. These compounds interact with the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) and work in synergy to produce results greater than they’re able to by themselves, a phenomenon known as the “Entourage Effect.” The majority of participants in a 2019 CBDistillery customer survey reported CBD offered relief from mild or temporary anxiety; a calmer mind; better sleep; and relief from pain after physical activity.


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